10 Frameworks you need to know!

Nowadays, the business world is increasingly incorporating programming elements to optimize its process and generate more results. With this, much is said about the use of Frameworks, but do you really know what this tool is?

Initially, we can say that frameworks will act as a programming model that allows greater ease during the construction of a software project. There are several models available that seek to bring people closer to the world of programming.

However, it is of paramount importance to understand that frameworks need to be worked with the help of professionals in the development area and that, when used, they can generate an optimal result for entrepreneurs in all fields. 

Therefore, in this article we will address what are the contexts in which frameworks can be used, as well as the advantages and how to use them.

What are frameworks?

We can define frameworks as a pre-prepared programming model for software and program development. In this way, we can understand it as a model, a base from which new systems will be created, which speeds up the creation process.

This base structure, in fact, is a set of generic codes, from which new developments and applications can be made. This is because many programs have known structures that have been used before in the programming world.

Thus, one saves such a project in order to be able to reuse the basis of its structure for the creation of similar ones. For this reason, many understand the framework as the “foundation” of a software project.

Here, the great advantage will be the optimization of the development time of a new system, as well as the quality assurance, since you have a previously known foundation. On the other hand, frameworks also ensure that there is the possibility of creativity during program development.

This is because the foundation is just the basis that supports new code, new applications and new functions of a program. Today they are widely used by many companies and help in the development of many projects. 

Why use frameworks?

A very recurrent doubt among people who read about the subject for the first time is to understand why to use a generic code instead of starting an original project from scratch.

In this case, the first advantage is precisely the reuse of previously tested structures for the creation of a program. This is because the chances of finding bugs, which are the flaws in the system, will be much higher in a program that is new. 

Thus, a program that is started from scratch may require constant maintenance, which directly affects the company’s performance. Furthermore, security is also an important point to note, since system failures are the path by which software and program intrusions happen.

As we have already mentioned, frameworks constantly undergo performance tests, which will ensure that the program is more secure and less vulnerable to attack attempts. And while we are on the subject of performance, it is worth mentioning that the use of frameworks is a guarantee that the system will function to its full potential, bringing greater optimization of processes.

Besides all this, we can mention how much more dynamic the process of software creation becomes with frameworks. After all, they provide greater speed to the conclusion of the project, so that it is possible to meet the objectives of each company. 

Generally, these foundations are already acquired along with a series of manuals that guide the programmer and already present solutions for possible functioning problems. In other words, it is the certainty of acquiring the right over the unreliable, which will certainly generate more results for any business in any field.

How can frameworks help development?

So far you have seen how development benefits greatly from the use of frameworks, but now let’s take the debate to new levels to make the usefulness clear once and for all.

To begin with, we need to mention how much standardization can help the development of systems and the company as a whole. After all, following a standard is a guarantee of optimization and quality, so this is a method widely used by many companies.

So, understand frameworks as the programming standard that it is and understand that this is synonymous with quality. In addition, we also know that following a standard also represents cost minimization, which will be no different with software.

This is because, as we have already mentioned, programs that do not use frameworks tend to have more failures. These failures will represent delays and slowdowns in the realization of the company’s demands, which will mean a loss of money.

In addition, you will also have to spend more money to make the necessary repairs to the platform. Well, all this can be easily avoided when you use a framework that is reliable and has been continuously improved over the past years.

This is precisely the purpose of companies that develop and sell frameworks, because you need to maintain the quality of the program in the long term for better customer satisfaction. Thus, today you can find large companies that work with systems initially developed through frameworks.

The main types of frameworks

There are several models, frameworks, available to meet the most diverse needs of entrepreneurs and programmers. In fact, some of them have already become famous for their program quality, while others are on the rise and on their way to recognition very soon.

Anyway, in the following we will introduce you to some of the main frameworks common in the programming world and what the advantage of each one of them is. Check them out!


To begin with, let’s talk about Angular, which stands out for the fact that it was created by Google developers, which already attests to its quality. Furthermore, this platform will work on building interfaces, using some application systems we already know, such as CSS and HTML. However, the biggest highlight is the use of JavaScript.

In terms of elements, we can cite some of the most interesting applications, such as the use of task automation and modern infrastructure. Moreover, it is an open source framework, which means that there is a lot of material available on the internet about it.


Another open source framework is Django, which is a framework that emerged in the 2000s in the United States and has become very popular in recent years. In this case, what attracts is the free nature of the system, which in no way interferes with the optimal performance of the system.

Moreover, it is also often used because it works on the basis of Python, which is a highly used tool these days and is also a guarantee of quality. Not to mention that it can help develop important applications, such as routing and authentication.


We can also mention Laravel, which is usually the most common framework for those starting out in programming. This is because it is a system that allows the writing of codes that are simpler and more accessible. 

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In addition, we can mention that it is also open source, so it can be used for free. Finally, this is a framework that will work from a system that is modular for dependency management. All this will ensure the best user experience for all customers.


Like Angular, Flutter is also a framework created by Google developers and that stands out for being a quality open source. For a long time, this system was only used to create and develop applications for mobile devices, both Android and iOS.

However, recently this framework has become applicable also for desktop devices, both for Windows, Linux and macOS. It is a framework that guarantees versatility and security.


In the 2010s, the React framework was widely used and gained a lot of popularity, much on account of it being a system made by Facebook developers. In this case, this framework continues to attract a large audience, especially those interested in JavaScript.

Furthermore, we can mention that React will work with the goal of updating and synchronizing a program’s activities, as well as being a great way to create user interfaces, also known as User Interface or UI.


This is another open source framework that is MIT-licensed. In this case, what draws a lot of attention to this framework is the fact that it is one of the main ones for those who use JavaScript. Also, its popularity is due to the fact that Express was developed in order to optimize web applications.

Ruby on Rails

Rails is actually the framework itself, so you can find it on the web just by that title. This is because it is a platform that uses the Ruby programming language, which is one of the main development languages out there. Otherwise, it’s a great framework for anyone looking to develop web applications.


We can’t forget to also mention Spring, which is a framework that works with the Java language. In this case, its main goal is control inversion and dependency injection. 

To do this, the framework relies on a technology that serves to create modules for data persistence, web development, and even allows for less coupled solutions.


One of the advantages of using the Vue.js framework is the fact that it works from different programming languages, i.e. it guarantees greater versatility for the programmer. Thus, you can work with both CSS and JavaScript code. From these languages, it is possible to exercise full creativity.

Besides this, this framework is common for those who seek to build an SPA, which is Single Page Applications, but it is also very common for the creation of user interfaces. Among its great highlights is that it is an open source framework with great responsiveness.


Finally, we have a framework that is a true classic for programmers, since it is one of the oldest, and most reliable, available in the market. In this case, Asp.net was created in 2002 by Microsoft developers and has already been used to create several applications and services over these two decades. 

From Asp.net came the development of other versions of frameworks that are more used, as is the case of Asp.net core, whose release took place in 2016. In this case, we will find an excellent framework for developing multiple platforms.

As you have seen, there are many different types of frameworks and they all serve many different applications. Thus, it is a true world of possibilities that can be explored by everyone and can comprise different objectives.

However, to use them it is interesting to have a minimum of knowledge about the platforms, and the most recommended is to be handled by a professional. 

How to apply the frameworks

Many people take the risk of learning system development from frameworks from the internet, which can guarantee great results or not. In fact, there are a variety of developer communities that share information about the main frameworks for free, especially for the open source ones.

It is even possible to find several codes already ready for application on the Internet, in which the changes to be made will only be those referring to the company’s specificities. Through this resource, many independent developers, the freelancers, stand out for the quality of their service.

However, remember that a developer should always be preferred, as he or she will be able to better observe the details and avoid flaws in the system. In addition, the professional developer has more experience with the codes, since he has studied them for a long time. 

By this we mean that professional programmers are familiar with the recommendations of the framework’s manufacturer, while those who search for content on the Internet are hostage to find, or not, a content that is able to solve the problems.

After all, finding free code on the Internet guarantees us little, while knowing how to handle it with quality is one of the ways to ensure the best result. Moreover, solving bugs and malfunctions usually requires a lot of expertise. That is why hiring a company that is an expert on the subject will be paramount.

Conclusion: Monitora helps you with frameworks

Now that you know all the details about frameworks, you have certainly decided to use them to create systems and programs for your business. By using them you ensure quality in the delivery of services, as well as increase your credibility in the market.

This is the best way for you to add technology as your main ally in the development of your company. It is worth remembering that inserting a business within the dynamics of the technological world is no longer an option, since nowadays it is a great need for the maintenance of these businesses. 

However, this needs to be done in the right way, which ensures that all the applications of a good framework are used to create solutions in companies. This is done with the help of professionals who are experts in programming languages and who know what the recommendations of the manufacturers of each system are.

In this sense, Monitora can help you a lot! After all, the company works with creative and optimizing digital solutions. To this end, it has agile teams that work based on each customer’s preferences and also suggest new applications to boost their businesses.

Monitora’s teams are composed of quality professionals with market experience in systems development for companies of all sizes. Therefore, be sure to turn to those who know how to work with frameworks and ensure that your business has the best in technology.

To learn more about Monitora and its work, visit the site and contact the specialists.

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