Management and innovation in rural production: how to deal with the market

It is undeniable that rural production is one of the most important pillars for the maintenance of the Brazilian economy and market. That is why several studies are focused on this area, in search of productivity improvements. 

In the current scenario of Brazilian agribusiness, a large part of the producers are in search of measures that will improve their performance. With this in mind, investments in management and innovation in rural production are on the rise.

In this article, we will discuss the most recent innovations in rural production and their implications in everyday life. After reading this article, you will learn more about the role of Monitora in this scenario and the benefits it can bring.

Investment in technology in rural production

For some time now, technology has been part of everyday life in the field. Even in small productions, it is common to find machinery or the use of rural management techniques. These ideas help producers to achieve better results and become more competitive in the market. 

Those who believe that there is only one way to use technology in the rural production environment are mistaken. In fact, several technologies have been created in order to obtain different solutions to meet the most different agribusiness audiences.

Why invest in innovation in rural production?

Just like any other commercial area, the rural environment is competitive and needs to keep up to date. Currently, having relevance in the market is closely linked to investing in technology. This is because these innovations help the producer to reduce costs and leverage profits. With this amount, they can direct their reserves to investments in other areas, such as

  • Transportation of materials;
  • Better communication with buyers;
  • Time savings;
  • Possibility of offering a higher quality service;
  • Advertising for your business.

What are the consequences for those who do not invest in innovation?

The truth is that the consequences of not investing in innovation in the rural environment can be different according to the objective of each producer. Those who wish to grow in the market in a competitive way know that counting on technology is essential. Among the main consequences for those who do not invest in technological innovation are

  • Lack of financial strength to compete with competitors’ prices;
  • Higher expenses due to the non-maximization of production;
  • Loss of business opportunities with potential partners.

What are the most used technologies in the area?

Brazil is one of the biggest agribusiness producers in the world, and this is in great part, a consequence of the dedication to the study of rural production. From this study, technologies have been developed that are increasingly well evaluated. See below some examples of these innovations that are used by producers all over the country. 

Agricultural Machinery

When thinking about machinery, it is common to imagine huge machines that cover wide spaces of land throughout the property. However, it is necessary to remember that any and all forms of innovation can be considered as machinery. Therefore, the main machinery used in the rural environment are:


The seeder is a machine used by almost all the large producers of agricultural inputs. Their objective is to introduce the seeds into the soil in a large scale and in a fast way. In Brazil, the most commonly used seeds in this process are:

  • Corn;
  • Soybeans;
  • Wheat
  • Rice;
  • Cotton;
  • Rice.

Soil Digger

The soil drill is a super important and extremely versatile machine. This machine is used to turn the soil and prepare it to receive the seeds from the sowing machine. In addition, it can also be used for other activities involving the soil, such as creating a space for something to be installed.


In Brazil the use of pesticides is intense and is present in almost all agricultural productions. This technology is used mainly by large producers and exporters. 


This is probably one of the most important machines in the whole process. The harvester is responsible for speeding up and ensuring that the harvesting process is as efficient as possible. Many losses can occur during this moment and the help of this machine allows the producer to have a maximized return.

Milking machines

Another important point in rural production is the producers who focus on animals. In this scenario, one of the most used machines is the milking machine, which facilitates the whole process of milk collection.

How to use the machines in an agile way in rural production?

Making an investment in machinery for rural production is something that can cost a significant amount of money, so it must be used objectively. Besides being a high initial investment, keeping these machines running is also expensive. As a way to improve this process, many producers seek the help of management and logistics specialists. 

The role of these professionals is to help the producers find a way of working that is more advantageous. This means that they evaluate everything that involves production:

  • The size of the space dedicated for production;
  • In which region of the country this is done;
  • What products are exploited on the site;
  • What is the producer’s objective;
  • What is their transport system for production.

From this, a management plan is made that, if followed correctly, will bring interesting results.

How does the management of a rural production work?

Investing in the rural production market in Brazil can be a great business, if there is planning. The issue is that not all investors can bring to reality what they previously imagined. 

The role of management is to facilitate this process for the producer, which can be done in different ways. 

As an example, Monitora is one of the most qualified companies to perform this work. With a team of specialists, Monitora offers creative solutions to improve sales and profits for several rural producers. Besides relying on advanced technologies, the company is prepared to help the team improve and reach advanced levels of excellence.

What are the main forms of management?

Thinking about management as a broad term can be complicated, as there are several areas of performance. That is why it is recommended that management be divided into sectors that can be evaluated carefully and gradually. See below some examples of the most worked management in the market.

Market behavior

When launching a business, even if it is in the rural sector, it is interesting that the person in charge studies the market and knows how they will act in it. That is, what are the goals of the business and how it intends to position itself to attract customers. All this depends on the company’s values and the marketing tools it is willing to use.

With this broad vision, it is possible to make changes and adapt the organization to reach its potential. This is important for both large and small companies.


Unfortunately, not all rural producers start their projects with the appropriate infrastructure necessary for success. Having an organized business is essential for it to run at the lowest possible cost and highest possible profit. Then, those responsible for management evaluate the environment and offer solutions and tips to improve it.

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

Technological innovations

In order to establish itself as a competitive company, it is important that the network is firm in the field of technology. In addition to achieving better results, the presence of innovations in the company makes a good impression on the public and business partners. 

Evaluating product quality

It would be useless to invest in all these areas if the end product is not of quality. That is why the management keeps a critical eye on the final product, especially after the changes.

Staff training

Large companies usually have a large staff. So, it is common that the team does not work in a uniform way. The problem is that in rural producers, it is necessary to have this uniformity. Even more so when there is a need to handle machinery and it is important to avoid accidents at work. 

Another important point is to ensure that the way the staff communicates with customers is appropriate and follows the brand positioning. With the right training, it is quite simple to make the necessary changes.

Financial sector

Knowing how to deal with the financial sector is essential for a successful rural production. Many companies report problems for not knowing how to work with a strong financial sector. However, it is necessary to know this aspect in depth, and to know what its possibilities and also its limits are. In this way, the company can better manage its earnings and invest them back into the growth of the business.

Practices to improve management and innovation in rural production

Now that you know how management works in some areas of rural production, you may be wondering how to put them into practice. The truth is that only a specialist can evaluate each case and decide what is the best measure for the situation. However, we have listed some practices for you to better understand this issue, check it out!

Well, first of all, it is necessary to understand whether or not rural production is focused on the digital market. It is not very common for rural businesses to make this choice, but it exists and can bring great results.

Practices to improve infrastructure in rural production

The issue of infrastructure can be considered easy to understand because it is simpler to visualize. Many producers start their businesses with an idea in mind about what they want for the network. However, when they start the work, it can be complicated to maintain these infrastructure works. 

The first analysis to be carried out is the evaluation of the production chain. Then, all points must be taken into account, from what is produced to how the final product is transported. In addition, the team’s transportation also needs to be evaluated to improve the speed with which everything is accomplished. And then, additions such as new spaces or tools are made in the environment.

Practices to improve the results of technological innovations in rural production

In fact, it is undeniable that the digital transformation happens in several areas of the market, and today it has a great influence on rural production. Well, it may be strange to think what can be done to improve the results of technological innovations, other than acquiring new machines. However, there are some simple actions that can be taken, such as

  • Improve the terrain on which the machines work;
  • Maintain the machines;
  • Have technology as an ally;
  • Create a robust management and innovation culture.

The issue of the terrain is super important, as it can damage many machines in the process. This is why many producers choose to flatten the land when necessary and possible, or look for smaller machines that cover small parts of land at a time. In this way, the integrity of the parts is maintained.

Maintenance, on the other hand, is important in any area of industry or commerce. It is normal for machines to suffer problems while working, but this damage can be easily reversed. For this, it is necessary to know at what time the machines will be less used and a professional can do the maintenance efficiently.

Finally, it is important to talk about the possibility of working with the help of even more advanced technology, such as software and artificial intelligence. These two innovations are part of new processes that are arriving to the rural production market and are already bringing results. With them, it is possible to do a complete monitoring of all phases of production and find errors. These observations of flaws are evaluated and solutions are found quickly. In this way, the technology helps to avoid problems and improves the entire production chain, with agility and efficiency.

Practices for improving quality assessment of rural products

To understand quality evaluation, there are two paths to follow:

  • Hire a team that performs this procedure;
  • Learn how the evaluation is done.

When possible, the best scenario is the one where there are two evaluations performed, the professional and the common one. In any case, the same topics will be explored to ensure the best possible quality. As rural production usually works with inputs that can be damaged over time, the evaluation must be objective and efficient. It is important to guarantee that the customer will receive a product that is well cared for and safe for consumption. Therefore, the product quality assessment must be done before transportation and after arrival at the final destination.

Practices to improve staff training

Staff training follows the same logic as product evaluation. This training can be done by a specialized team, or by the company itself. The idea is to promote dynamics that help create a deep relationship between the company and the worker so that productivity is higher. Furthermore, with the right training, some accidents can be avoided, which is very interesting for both parties.

These practices can be carried out either in groups or individually, according to the company’s preference. The important thing is that everyone receives this training and can improve as professionals.

Practices to improve the financial sector of rural production

The financial sector requires a little more technical knowledge to be monitored. Because of this, many producers choose to work with specialized companies to learn how to make the right investments. With this, they obtain higher profits and invest in their business, especially in the area of technology. 

How to unite management and innovation in rural production?

When looking at these topics, it is common to think that they are worked on in a totally individual way within a rural production. However, the truth is that management and innovation can be worked in an intelligent way. In the rural environment, a great example of this relationship are the producers who work with software and artificial intelligence.

By applying these technologies in rural production, the company gets not only the data, but also the interpretation of them. A specialized management service can recognize good and bad information about the production and adjust what is necessary. In addition, this management can work with automations that improve production and allow companies to have fewer worries.

How can Monitora help?

Monitora is a company specialized in solving problems for companies in various segments. With the development of advanced technologies and specialized knowledge in the market, Monitora offers a completely unique service.

For all businesses that feel the need to grow and become more competitive in the market, Monitora is ready to offer its services. 

For the rural production business, the company can evolve a lot with a management software customized to the needs of your business. And thus generate innovative results aligned with cutting-edge technology.

If you enjoyed this reading and are interested in Monitora’s work, just visit our website to learn more. There you will learn a little more about the network and find out how to contact us. 

Your business deserves a digital transformation to stay strong in the market. So, count on Monitora!

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